Sunday, April 22, 2007

An almost-FO

Here is a picture of the bathroom tile before we grouted:

Here is what the room will look like when we are done. All that is left is to buy and install a tub door.
Now for knitting content.
Here is where I am on the Rosebud shawl. I am almost done with the center section. I had all of yesterday to do what I wanted as my boys were on a backpacking adventure.

I have also been working on a pair of socks for me out of the Austermann step yarn and finished the first sock and cast-on for the second, but put off working on that this weekend in lieu of spinning more on the wool/silk blend and knitting the shawl. I have 2 weeks until the Maryland Sheep and Wool festival and I have to create a list of what I want to knit and the yarn requirements before going. I can't wait.

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