Sunday, September 24, 2006


Well I think spinning is going to be a new hobby. I really liked doing it. I had 2 oz of finished yarn that measured 48 yards. I have already washed and dried it and will soon wind it into a ball. What to make out of it, I don't know. Maybe catnip mice for my cats? Any ideas? Here is the picture.
I want to start spinning the dark brown merino I bought, but I need to work on knitting the sweater and I have some sewing projects to do. I lost about 25 pounds last year and all of my dress clothes are too big. I have the sewing skills to alter the garments, but I lack the ambition. I fixed one skirt tonight and it only took about 45 minutes, so it isn't really a bad task, but not as much fun as knitting.

1 comment:

smug sheep said...

The handspun looks way too good to use for the cats! Other ideas - small crocheted make up bag, sunglasses case, ipod cosy, crocheted edging around a plain knit jummper or cardigan