Saturday, September 09, 2006

Mystery Stole 2 as a FO

Here is the MS2 pre-block.

Here it is during blocking. I used wires in the middle and between the body and edging and used crochet cotton and pins for the long edges and just pins for the points. I also used a laser level to get the nice straight edges.

Here is one shot of the finished work. It didn't fit into the frame, so there is another picture from one end.

Pattern: Mystery Stole 2
Pattern Source: Pink Lemon Twist
Yarn: Jaggerspun Zephyr in Mushroom
Yarn Source: Webs (
Needles: Inox Express, 3mm/US 3, 2 pair
Knitting time: July7th- Aug 30.

You might also notice that I only have 2 projects on the needles listed. I decided to frog both the doubleknit potholder and the suede shawl. Neither was holding my interest, so they both jumped into the pond. I hope to finish the Cape Cod socks soon as they are also getting boring, but I must finish.

1 comment:

Kish said...

Your stole looks gorgeous! I am having a difficult time with mine. Following the chart is surprisingly hard for me. I thought it would be easy given how much cross stitching, etc. I do. So I decided to do a few smaller lace projects to get more familiar with a chart. The book that Allison sent me has some very good beginnier ideas in it as well that I am trying with tips for chart work. I have been incredibly busy trying to get back to walking again so knitting has been on more of a hold than I would like. I am going to hopefully post some pictures of things I finished while I was laying in bed. :)