Sunday, June 04, 2006

Not much knitting

This past week has been busy with not very much knitting. Last sunday was the Cleveland Feis (my group got 14 medals total). Yesterday was taken up with dancing, not a competition, but a dress rehersal for a recital. I am doing both Irish and Ballet so I had to be at the theater 2 different times. This morning was a trip to the Zoo followed by a much needed nap.

On the knitting front: I got the new Interweave Knits magazine and love the Icarus Shawl pattern. I will have to finish the Celtic dreams sweater, suede shawl and baby blanket before I start that. I have spent most of my knitting time this past week working on the Dancing Jig sock since most of the knitting time has been away from home. I have also given in and placed an order with Heirloom Knitting. My sister wanted the Wedding Ring shawl for her birthday present and since I was placing an order I ordered myself the Rosebud Shawl, why pay twice for shipping.


Kish said...

How was the recital?

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.