Sunday, October 31, 2010

October 31st?

I have done a lot of knitting recently, but can't put all of it on here. The rest is on Ravelry. I have lost some knitting time and gained some knitting time this school year. N has started martial arts so I get to sit and watch class 3 times a week for 45 minutes each time. This has created some forced knitting time. I also started more dance classes, so I have lost time there. I think it is about an even trade. I don't have as much time for big projects, but will get lots of little things done. I started a pair of socks while on the family camping trip and was able to finish them at N's class.
Pattern: Ballet from Toe-Up 2-at-a-Time Socks
Yarn: Regia stretch

I then had to start another pair of socks. I decided doing 2 at a time was too hard to use as travel knitting, so I followed the same book, but I am doing only one at a time. This also allows me to use the dpns instead of magic loop.

I also decided that I was going to get too many socks done. I am not really much of a sock person, so I started a pair of mittens for the mitten tree at the church. I hope to get more than one pair done before Christmas, but that might be a stretch. I have lots of colors of KnitPicks Palette and since the pattern only uses 1 ball of each color, I should get quite a few from my stash.
This pattern is a free one from Spilly Jane Knits. I like the look of her patterns and thought I would try a free one before buying all of the other ones I want. She has some really cool mitten and sock patterns. So far it is well written and easy to follow, but a bit tight on my hand. Good thing I am knitting for someone else. I love color work with the KnitPicks yarns.

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