Sunday, April 25, 2010

It has been a while

Well I have been busy with lots of stuff. I keep knitting, but the photos haven't made it to the computer from the camera. We also tilled up the entire back yard and put down sod. I have been working on a knitting project I can't post pictures of here because the intended recipient may read this blog (check Ravelry to see them). I have also been doing some spinning. I finally finished the never ending pile of dark brown merino. I ended up with 1742 yards of a 2-ply fingering/sport weight. I thought I would have enough to knit Darin a sweater, but at a gauge of 7 sts/inch I don't. Now to decide what to do with it.
I also got around to spinning some wensleydale wool I got at MS&W last year. I got 2 braids for a total of about 8 oz. I wanted to learn how to chain (navajo) ply before I got to working on this wool.
I think I figured it out. I have about 165 yards of chain-plied.

This coming weekend is MS&W 2010. I can't wait. I have a list of books I want to look at and then a few things for the spinning wheel. I probably could survive an entire year without buying anything else, but what is the fun in that.

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