Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas Week

Well I have no pictures of knitting today, but I have been doing a lot of work on the Lyra lace. It just looks like a wad of string. I got quite a bit of knitting time this week by being a klutz. I twisted my ankle in Ballet class monday night. After a trip to the urgent care on tuesday I had an air cast and crutches. I have spent much of the rest of the time on the couch with my foot up. I hoped to be done with the crutches by today, but I still can't put all of my weight on that foot. Fortunately it is my left foot so I can still drive, but work is a lot harder since I don't normally sit at my desk all day. I called in lame on wednesday and friday and left early tuesday and thursday. I do have to work tomorrow and them I am off for the rest of the week. We are headed to the grandparents for christmas unless the weather really puts up a fight.

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