Monday, July 21, 2008

Time flies when you are having "fun".

I have been working on spinning more of the brown coopworth, but I don't have any pictures to show. The only knitting I have gotten done is on a secret project that I can't show.

The next few weeks will hold less knitting and spinning time. I will be working more hours at my paying job. We have to move 3 labs to another part of the complex and move some offices as well. At first I thought this would be easy, until I realized that we were not moving into an empty room, but instead moving 2 labs worth of stuff into a room that was currently being used as a lab as well. This means that we have to take the "empty" space and try to get our stuff to fit. I also have to move my office. I have been in the same "office" space for about 9 years now and I really like it. To get this all accomplished while still doing extractions and analysis it going to take extra hours and lots of patience.

Now for better news, N decided to "get" swimming. One day he had issues putting his head under the water and the next he was actually moving across the pool with a swimming motion. He is also enjoying the gymnastics class he asked to take.

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