Sunday, March 02, 2008

March already?

Time flies when you are having fun or being very busy. I got the pattern for the Baby Surprise Jacket by EZ around Christmas time, but haven't tried it yet. I just can't grasp the pattern without actually doing it. I went through my stash and remembered about a bunch of Lite Lopi that I had. My sister suggested using it to make the Baby surprise, so I started. I am changing colors every 10 rows to try and help understand what is going on.

I also found the patterns for the amigurami animals at the Lion Brand Yarn website. I had to remember how to crochet, but it took only about 2 hours to remember and make this little elephant. He is about 4 inches tall and I was using some yarn I had sitting around. I am going to try the octopus, turtle and penguin as well.

I have also finished clue 9 of the Spring Shawl Suprice. I still can't figure out the clue. My husband came up with some ideas, but I don't think they are worth sharing (words not for the general population).

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